Algin-English Lexicon


Abier (ah-bee´ir): dance

Abohr: fear

Adaren: giant, ancient trees, much like the giant sequoia

Ado: you

Adeh: you (plural)

Aden; they, them

Adoram: realm

Aittar: almighty

Aittar Kodar: Almighty Judge

Ah: above

Ahbaia: Goddess

Ahbey: beside

Ahn: do (ahnon: did; ahnan: doing)

Ahva: God, Goddess and Almighty Judge. A single word for their trinity.

Ahl: lofty

Aille: Nobility (noun, a class of Grys)

Ailla: noble

Aldon: Lord

Algin: their word for their language; the language of Algizor

Algizor: the Grysaille country, the high mountainous region in the general northern-west region of their continent; Probably about the distance of eastern Washington (and maybe part of Idaho) from the west coast

Alia: Lady (as a title)

Ama: Beseech/implore, aman: beseeching, amon: beseeched

Ar: day

Arrin: auspicious

Avia: ma’am

Avon: sir

Avodon: God


Baia: female (bye-a) females: baien

Baigryssi: daughter (female-child)

Baiyee: young female (bye-ee)

Baiyan: female attendant, to a bride, or royalty; also female guard devoted to a Grysaille; plural=baiyen

Baien: females, plural

Bavay: hers (obavay: formal or archaic)

Bek: two

Beki: double

Beken: Pair (verb); bekan (pairing) bekon (paired)

Bekor: Pair (noun)

Beytor: before

Bodra: until

Bond: grant (bondan: granting, bondon: granted)

Borey: domesticated livestock, roughly the size and similarity to a large cow, although with more of a deer-like, lighter leather hide. The large hide could easily cover a Cal King size bed!

Boxy: fuzzy, squirrel type creature; small but tasty!

Burkin: similar to a rabbit, but with smaller ears, looks very similar to a Pika, but larger, with bigger hind legs, those more like a rabbit. Several varieties exist; wild burkin in higher elevations of Algizor and the Kaial Moro are white in the winter, darker brown in summer. Lower elevation burkin are larger, like hares, with light brown coloration. Also multiple domesticated varieties exist.


Casson: starchy root vegetable, like a cross between a potato and a turnip

Cath: end

Cauzdu: salty preserved rib meat, from a domesticated (or wild) doka, similar to bacon

Chatra: plant used to make a hot drink from dried leaves, like tea, and a mild stimulant

Chaushure: General

Cha-zon: Grysaille cheer, like “huzzah” or “hip hip hoorah”

Chiz: each

Cinderlan: large, wild, dangerous feline. Like a cross between a saber-tooth tiger and a mountain lion… some can get as large as 4 feet at the shoulder and nine feet in length. They are highly territorial, with a large range, and definitely loners, coming together only to breed.

Cōtan: (“coo-tahn”) the larger, dire wolf version of a cōtonan, with large fangs, and a thicker coat and stubbier ears than our wolf

Cōtonan (“coo-toe-nahn): part of the Eerian “canine” family, similar to a large coyote, but with stubbier ears and a thicker coat (more like an artic fox’s coat). Like coyotes, they are considered pests, hunt in packs, attacking kinsen and other small livestock, also borey and mussak youngsters. They are hunted because they are pests and for their thick fur pelt.  Usually not something to be afraid of, but in large packs, they have been known to attack a Grysaille. The domesticated canines of Eeria all derived from cōtonen or puska ancestors.


Damaiya: ancestor; damaiyen: ancestors

Dev: create; devan: creating; devon: created

Deven: creation

Devro: globular, strong smelling vegetable, similar to onions/garlic

Doka: medium sized animal, similar to a pig, with large tusks and nasty temper. A challenge to hunt in the wild, but domesticated varieties do exist.

Doma: experience of life over time

Dura: death


Eeria: the home world of the Grys and Grysaille

Eh: be

Ehn: been

Ehnan: being

Evahn: great


Falo: plain (noun: flat grassland, not the adjective) plains: falen

Feya: hear (feyan: hearing; feyon: heard)

Fon: and


Gaw: left

Gawan: west

Gestir: beyond

Gilliara: a Grysaille savor finger food (single); Plural: gilliaren

Gilliaras: Grysaille food (a savory finger food) – look like seeded canapes. This word has been “English-fied,” and is sometimes used when speaking to humans

Geod: bound (as in tied together, not headed for some place) (geodan: binding)

Gond: bond

Glonon: sacrifice (noun) glonen:sacrifices

Glonon t’Ahva: Godly sacrifice; self-sacrifice, using all one’s magic unto death, especially to save the life of another; literally, Sacrifice of God (Trinity)

Grys: the root word for the sentient race of Eeria, which they call themselves

Grysaille: the name for themselves means ‘noble Grys’ or noble people. Only the Grys beyond the northern mountain fastness capable of magic call themselves ‘Grysaille.’ The split between the Grys and the Grysaille happened so long ago (about 35,000- 50,000  years ago) that the Grysaille no longer look like the lowland Grys.

Gryssi: child/children

Gunta: large avian game-bird species, and like most Eerian avian species, it is partially scaled and partially feathered. Somewhat like a grouse or pheasant, but large, a 20 lb turkey size or so.


Heen: right (direction)

Heeyan: east 

Hostra: Grysaille food (a savory finger food) Plural: hostren

Hostras: this is the plural of hostra that has been ‘influenced’ by the English languages, and is sometimes used when talking to humans

Howin: pass (verb, not the narrow ridge/gap in the mountains); Howan: passing; Howon: passed

Howind: passage


Iaht: time


Jas: those

Jen: pain

Jer: fjord; fjords: jerren


Kaial: high

Kam: guide (noun); Kamen: guides

Kama: guide (verb) (Kamon: guided; kaman: guiding)

Kam-on Ahva: Grysaille holy person/priest or priestess. Literally: “guide to God, Goddess, and Almighty Judge” more casually referred to as the “Kamon”.

Kinsa: small gazelle looking animal, both wild and domesticated varieties exist, with super soft, very fine, very warm wool, similar to vicuña; this is the finest, softest, and warmest wool available in Eeria

Kodar: judge


Logren: really big bear-like creature, with huge fangs and claws. Hibernates in winter

Lys: island; lyssen: islands

Lyssen fon Jerren t’na Naiangrys: the Isles and Fjords of the NorthGrys. The far northern coastal realm, north of North Grysdoram. Commonly referred to as “Naiangrys.” Only livable due to the mitigating effects of the ocean surrounding it.

Mussak: riding animal and beast of burden; looks a little like a large gnu, but shaggy hair and bigger rear quarters

Moro: valley (moren: valleys)

Mummiken; basically, a big rock marmot. Somewhat gamey in flavor. Their internal organs rather stink a bit too, so Jaxon is not too keen on hunting, dressing, or eating them. Relatively easy to catch in the winter: they hibernate for brief periods (like a week) then come out and eat, scraping lichen off rocks in the winter, and are rather lethargic when they do so

Na: the

Nab: a or an

Nabarrinar: a promising day (literally ‘an auspicious day’)

Nado: yours (archaic or formal: Onado)

Naden: yours (plural), (archaic or formal: onaden)

Nadon: theirs (archaic of formal: onadon)

Na Kodara; The Judges. In Algizor, these are who determine one’s innocence or guilt in all crimes against the state. There is no peer judging. Each court is 5 judges in number. The Emperor chooses the 5 highest judges, who choose the 5 judges for each territorial court, who in turn choose the 5 judges for the smaller regional courts. There is much chance for abuse of power here, although generally speaking, the chance for a fair trial gets better the further down the ladder you go. Best to be tried in a small regional court.

Nai: up (pronounced nigh)

Naian: north

Naian Quarran: North Wasteland. Just that. Ice and snow all year; no one lives there.

Narra: love

Navay: his (Onavay: his, formal)

Nib: stay; (niban: staying; nibon: stayed)

Niyah: dear


Obavay: hers (formal or archaic)

On: to

Ona: to the

Onado: yours (formal or archaic

Onaden (theirs)

Onavay: his, formal

ou: (pronounced “ooh”): Is/am/are (singular, as in “you are” or “he is”) – depends on the noun or   pronoun

ouhan: (pronounced ooh-on) were, was, singular, (“you were” or “he was”)

oun: (pronounced oon): are (plural – as in “they are”)

ounen: (pronounced ooh-nen): were (plural – “they were”)

Ohn: (pronounced ‘own’) will (singular verb, he will)

Ohnen (pronounced “owe-nen”) will (plural verb, they will)


Pah: yes

Pak (pronounced ‘pock’): three

Paki: triple

Palada: (savory finger food) poisonous to humans; causes almost immediate severe gastric distress (nausea, gut-twisting gas cramps), although won’t kill humans, but can make them miserable for 24 -48 hours.

Pandra, or Falen t’Pandra: Plains of Pandra; the windswept, high plains country east of South Grysdoram and south of Algizor. Commonly referred to as “Pandra” 

Pica: (pronounced peeka) sugar, derived from a particular evergreen’s sap. Harvested and processed similar to maple syrup. A bit more bitter than our sugar, the syrup is reminiscent of molasses

Pilder: common name for an evergreen, needle-bearing fir type tree; there are many varieties. Similar to our use of “pine”

Poras: gather

Puska: small very fuzzy, fox-like animal, used as a pet and for vermin control; like a cross between a Pomeranian and a fox


Quassir: between

Quarran: wasteland; quarren:wastelands

Rorum: journey

Ros: (pronounced ross, not rose): winter


Saiah: please (sigh-a)

Sak: (pronounced ‘sock’): one

Saki: single

Sallor: allow

Sahwo: from

Shood: a Pandra grys tracker; has a heightened sense of smell, and can track animals (and Grysaille) by scent, like a bloodhound. Valuable personnel to the Pandren army

Senza: literally ‘cultured’, but frequently used before the words for male and female. Senzabaien fon senzavoden would be the equivalent of “ladies and gentlemen”

Shah: me

Shehn: us

Shey: I

Sho: my

Shonar: beloved, or “my beloved”

Shoud: pride (rhymes with ‘cloud’)

Soe: down (pronounced so)

Soue: Lake (pronounced sue)

Sowan: South (pronounced ‘so-ahn’)

Strasskow: large predatory avian species, equivalent to a large hawk or eagle

Swahz: dawn


T’ : of; applied as a liaison to the following word, as in, t’tel = ‘of this’

Tabolay: lexicon

Tado: your, (otado: formal or archaic)

Taden: your (plural), otaden (formal or archaic)

Tahm: pray (tahman: praying; tahmon: prayed)

Tahmbor: prayer, tahmben: prayers)

Tain: when

Tar: mighty

Te: with

Tel: this

Teyan: without (literally “with no”)

Tilak: a pinkish bulbuous root vegetable, sweet with a thin skin, tasting something like a carrot

Touridge: a thick succulent orange leaf, that dries well, and rehydrates equally well. Tastes a little like a lobster mushroom.

Tusktusk: a little nervous deer; bucks are about knee high to a Grysaille. They tend to leap into the air like some of our gazelle.

Tyor: across


Un: cover/covering (noun)


Vai: stand; (vaian: standing; vaion: stood)

Vey: He

Vodi: young male; in English, Grysaille use the word ‘buck’ as the equivalent; it does imply headstrong stubbornness and high spiritedness, as does vodi

Vodon: male

Voden: males

Vodyon: male attendant to the groom or royalty; literally ‘guardsman’ (well, not ‘men,’ obviously – but male guard devoted to a Grysaille) Plural=vodyen

Vogryssi: son (male-child)

Vor: heart

Vorros: heart of winter, the winter solstice


Woeden: depths


Woe: all

Woiaht (pronounced:woe-I-at): always (“all time”)


Ya: for

Yania: friend; yanien: friends

Yit: swift

Yogri: other

Yon: guard

Yen: guards

Yan: no

Yodrum: threshold

Yurt: derogative term, meaning something like idiot or git or jerk, depending on context.


Zav (verb): thank; zavan: thanking; zavon: thanked

Zaven: thanks

Zerot; map